The National Consumer Law Center proudly traces its roots to the 1960s “War on Poverty” and its work as a support center for legal services offices. NCLC’s expertise includes policy analysis, high-impact advocacy, litigation, and extensive training for a nationwide network of consumer advocates. It works closely with nonprofit and legal services organizations, private attorneys, civil rights and grassroots organizations, and federal and state policymakers across the nation to stop exploitative practices, help financially stressed families build and retain wealth, and advance economic fairness. NCLC has developed a number of key initiatives to help focus its resources on urgent problems. The organization has a diverse mix of funding sources, including grants, contracts, publications and conference revenue, court awards, and individual donations. Its annual budget is approximately $11 million, and its reserves are used to fund strategic and high-impact initiatives.
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Director of Litigation
National Consumer Law Center
Boston, Massachusetts, Washington, DC

Past searches and placements for National Consumer Law Center
- Deputy Director and Chief Advocacy Officer
- Chief Publishing Officer
- Chief Communications Officer